The European Union – funded FOSTER Project: Empowering the Private Sector to Foster Social and Economic Cohesion in Türkiye aims to contribute to the empowerment of the private sector in Türkiye to increase the formal employment of Turkish citizens and foster social and economic cohesion of foreigners under temporary and international protection and increase the resilience of Turkish SMEs operating in selected 15 provinces.

Total SME
Support Amount


At least 2.788 formal employment positions retained or created for Final Beneficiaries (at least 50% being foreigners) and 697 businesses

Total Interest/Profit Share
Support Amount


At least 50 formal employment positions retained or created for Final Beneficiaries (at least 50% being foreigners) and 25 businesses

Total Number of SMEs to be Supported



Total Number of Employment to be Created/Retained



This website was created with the financial support of the European Union. The content is the sole responsibility of KOSGEB and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.