General Questions Regarding the FOSTER Project

1.Can an enterprise (SME) that benefits from the FOSTER Project’s interest/profit share mechanism or grant programs also receive support from other KOSGEB programmes?

The enterprise which benefits from the FOSTER Project can benefit from other support programs of KOSGEB. However, the enterprise cannot benefit from different support programs for the same expenses.

2.When should the SSI entry be made for a new employee within the scope of the FOSTER Project?

The person newly employed under the Employment Committed SME Finance Support Programme must have been recruited after the date of application to the programme.

Under the SME Support (Grant) Programme, the SSI entry of newly recruited personnel must be made as of the date of the call for proposals announcement. Personnel who start working as of the date of the announcement of the call for proposals are deemed to be newly employed. Personnel who have left their jobs within 4 (four) months before the call for proposals announcement date or on or after the call for proposals announcement date will not be considered as a new employee even if they are re-employed by the same enterprise.

3.Can people employed by the project be the business owner’s first or second degree relatives?

Mothers, fathers, siblings or children of the business owners, partners and their spouses, are not eligible to work as employees within the project’s scope.

4.Do you help businesses find Turkish and/or SuTP/FuIP status candidate employees?

The enterprises are referred to related institutions to find SuTP/FuIP candidate employees

5.How can you determine whether someone has SuTP/FuIP status?

For an individual to be determined as a SuTP or FuIP, they need to possess an identity document that has been issued by the Directorate of Migration Management or a work permit given by the DG International Labour Force

6.Is the work permit granted for the employee or the business?

The business requests a work permit, which is specifically issued for the related staff. Regarding the application process, please refer to the following source:

7.What is the source of funding for the project?

This Project is funded by the European Union.

This website was created with the financial support of the European Union. The content is the sole responsibility of KOSGEB and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.