Total grant amount allocated |
EUR 30,2 million support will be provided for eligible enterprises through the SME Support Mechanism |
Number of beneficiary SMEs |
At least 1.475 enterprises supported through SME Support Mechanism |
Number of retained/created jobs |
At least 2.950 formal employment position will be retained / created |
SMEs that comply with the following eligibility criteria and which are operating in Adana, Ankara, Bursa,
Gaziantep, Hatay, İstanbul, İzmir, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri, Kilis, Kocaeli, Konya, Mardin, Mersin and Şanlıurfa can
benefit from the Programme.
Eligible enterprises shall comply with the following eligibility criteria, according to which the enterprise:
- must be registered with active status in KOSGEB’s SME Information System.
- have an updated SME Declaration Form.
- must commit to formally create/retain employment.
- must be established on or before 31.12.2022
- shall comply with KfW’s and IFC’s sectoral Exclusion List (please see Annex 2 of the Call for Proposals) and it
shall not be part of any EU/UN sanctions lists. - shall not fall in Category A according to IFC environmental and social risk categorization.
- shall not obtain support from ongoing similar programmes and any ongoing BMZ or EU funded FRIT I or FRIT II
Project for financing the same project costs and for the employees already financed/to be financed within the
SME Support Mechanism. - Must be operating in the sectors designated for the provinces as shown in the following table.
Provinces |
Eligible sectors NACE REV (2) |
Provinces |
Eligible sectors NACE REV (2) (*) |
Adana Gaziantep Hatay Kahramanmaraş Kayseri Kilis Konya Mardin Mersin Şanlıurfa |
C – Manufacturing J-61: Telecommunication J-62: Computer programming, Computer programming, consultancy and related activities J-63: Information service activities M-72: Scientific research and development M-74: Other professional, scientific and technical activities |
Ankara Bursa İstanbul İzmir Kocaeli |
High technology sub sectors according to OECD and EUROSTAT classificationC (Manufacturing) C-21: Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations C-26: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products C-30: Manufacture of other transport equipment J-61: Telecommunication J-62: Computer programming, Computer programming, consultancy and related activities J-63: Information service activities M-72: Scientific research and development |
(Please see Annex 1 Call for Proposals for the list of high technology sectors).
Support duration |
16 months |
Eligible expenses |
Personnel expensesOther expenses: machinery, equipment, moulds, software, training |
Support ratio |
70% for the personnel expenses50% for other expenses: |
Support ratio for youth and women |
Support ratio is 100% of personnel expenses for the beneficiary SMEs creating employment for youth (under the age of 30) and/or women. |
Monitoring period |
Every 4 months |
Budget |
EUR 30.2 Million |
For the SMEs operating in Ankara, Bursa, İstanbul, İzmir, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Konya, Mardin and Mersin
Upper Support Limit |
Employment Target |
TRY 1,000,000 *Maximum support amount is TRY 500,000 for machinery, equipment, moulds, software and training |
2 jobs will be retained/created. At least 1 job shall be created.1 Turkish citizen + 1 SuTP/FuITP |
For the SMEs operating in the earthquake affected provinces (Adana, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Kilis, Şanlıurfa)
Upper Support Limit |
Employment Target |
TRY 1,000,000 *Maximum support amount is TRY 500,000 for machinery, equipment, moulds, software and training |
2 jobs will be retained/created. At least 1 job shall be created.1 Turkish citizen + 1 SuTP/FuITP |
- Environmental and social requirements
- Winning SMEs shall submit an environmental and social commitment with their application form in the
format specified in the call for proposals. - SMEs that fall under Category “C” according to IFC environmental and social categorization process shall
commit to assess regularly if the initial classification remains accurate and to inform KOSGEB
immediately in case of emergence of higher risks. (Category B or Category A); Category “C” SMEs will
also commit to annually report to KOSGEB about their Environmental and Social Management Plan
compliance. They will implement corrective actions proposed by KOSGEB. - SMEs that fall under Category “B” according to IFC environmental and social categorization process shall
commit to annually report to KOSGEB about their ESMP compliance. They will implement corrective actions
proposed by KOSGEB. - In case of non-compliance, SMEs will be subject to actions specified in the ESMS guidelines of the
FOSTER Project.
- Winning SMEs shall submit an environmental and social commitment with their application form in the
Click here
for the Second Code of Practice link of the Second Call for Proposals.
here for the Second Call for Proposals link of the Second Call for Proposals.
here for the Second Call for Proposals Annex 1 of the Second Call for Proposals.
here for the Second Call for Proposals Annex 2 of the Second Call for Proposals.
Application Date |
29.01.2024-27.02.2024 |
This website was created with the financial support of the European Union. The content is the sole responsibility of KOSGEB and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.