Foster Project Meets SMEs At Information Meetings!

Information Meetings within the scope of “Empowering the Private Sector to Foster Social and Economic Cohesion in Türkiye (FOSTER)” Project, which is financed by the European Union (EU), managed by KfW Development Bank and run by KOSGEB, continue in project provinces.

Information Meetings that started in Ankara continued in Konya, Gaziantep, Mardin, Kilis, Şanlıurfa, Kahramanmaraş, İstanbul, Bursa, İzmir, Kocaeli and, Kayseri.

Hundreds of SMEs showed interest in meetings where Employment Committed SME Finance Support Programme and Employment Committed SME Support Programme were explained.

SMEs’ questions about the programmes were answered by the specialists during the meetings.

Information Meetings will continue at the following places and dates:

Date Province Meeting Venue Time
16 January 2023 Adana Adana Chamber of Industry 13:30
17 January 2023 Mersin Mersin Chamber of Commerce and Industry 13:30
18 January 2023 Hatay Anemon Hotel 13:30